Excursion to Nairobi National Parc

Just a few minutes drive from our hotel, we are happy to invite you to experience the ‘The World’s Wildlife Capital’. Comfortable Safari Landcruisers will be available to pick you from your hotel at 6 am, to allow us to get to the park and spot a number of game before it warms up, making it harder to spot them as they look for cooler hideouts.

At the entrance, towering giraffes are very likely to welcome you right after you pass the main gate of the park and as you drive through the vast park (over 117SqKM). If the giraffes are busy, you will definitely start spotting zebras, anteloppes or most definitely the luxurious gazelles.

As we begin to get into the thickets, put on your armour as the predators such as lions and leopards may sprout from anywhere. If we are lucky, we may witness a hunt, which is one of the most exciting experiences when out on a game drive. The park boasts 4 of the big 5 including lion, rhino, buffalo, and leopard, among 100 other animal species. Are you a bird lover? The Nairobi National Park has over 400 migratory and endemic bird species and you are assured of seeing a good number of them.

The morning will pass by fast as we get pre-occupied with spotting the more than 100 species of animals that inhabit this park. Towards noon as the sun gets hotter most of the animals will disappear as they shade themselves from the hot sun, a sign for us to break for lunch as well! The Nairobi National park has various designated picnic spots. After enjoying our picnic box, reminscing on the monring’s citings, you should be dropped back to your hotel at around 2 pm hours.