Dear Colleagues,

We would like to announce that the 28th International Working Group of Ostrinia and other maize pests (IWGO) Conference will take place in Nairobi, Kenya, from Tuesday 2nd to Thursday 4th of May 2023 plus a field trip to Nairobi National Parc on Friday 5 May. The field trip is optional and will require booking during the registration process.

The International Organization of Biological Control (IOBC) is the parent organization of IWGO. We are pleased to inform you that we will partner with our colleagues in the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) who have agreed to co-host the IWGO event. Their Conference Centre is located in a serene peaceful environment away from the city hustle of Nairobi. This will also provide us the opportunity to organize a field trip to observe fall armyworm damage in Kenya. However, we would like to point out that the scientific programme will not focus only on the fall armyworm. Control options and other topics related to different maize pests will be discussed too, including successes and challenges of non-chemical control approaches, behavior, ecology, and genomics of insects in maize agroecosystems.

Now that the scientific session topics have been agreed on and the session organizers have been nominated we will start within the next weeks the registration and call for papers. All the accepted proposals are now online and you can view them here.

We are looking forward to arranging a stimulating IWGO conference and hope that you will contribute through the submission of oral or poster contributions, and of course your active personal participation in Kenya.

Many thanks,

Ulli Kuhlmann
Convenor IWGO
Delémont, Switzerland
Tom Sappington
Co-Convenor IWGO
and Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50014; Iowa
Prof. Wang Zhenying
Co-Convenor IWGO
Institute of Plant Protection, CAAS
No.2 West Yuanmingyuan Road
Beijing 100193, China